When Opportunity Knocks…

Posted: May 7, 2011 in Kettlebells, Nutrition
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Crossposted from my old blog: August 30, 2010

Can I just say how much I love my bootcamp?  Seriously, one of the best things I’ve done for myself in a long, long time.  If you haven’t yet…please go check Mark and Nikki out HERE.

With that said, I was approached by Mark last week and he asked me to fill out some type of marketing survey.  Basically, my answers and those of others will help them develop new marketing strategies to attract new, rockstar clients.  It was actually kind of a fun survey to fill out. Just hit a little too close to home when it came to the questions that asked about my support from my family and friends.  It’s so pathetic how much of a yo-yo dieter I’ve been in the past.  It’s so bad that my own family doesn’t expect to see me succeed – they very much have adopted the “I’ll believe it when I see it” attitude.  Anyways, I feel pathetic because I am great at getting fired up with new diets and such, but then I never carry through.  Do I know I’m capable of it? Yeah…  I just don’t. I’m a bit of a self-sabotager.  Anyways…

Nikki approached me today with an interesting proposition.  She and Mark want to start following the Precision Nutrition program closely again (they saw amazing results when they did it last time) and they want me to jump on board as well.  Nikki kept talking about how she wanted to take my measurements and take photos, have me fill out food logs to makesure I was staying compliant and whatnot.  Basically…she’s offering me tremendous accountability, which is just what I need!

My thoughts since this conversation have bounced between “oh wow, that would be awesome, what a great opportunity” to “I don’t want to be a charity case” and back.  I’m too proud sometimes, I think.  Regardless, I’m really excited to hear more about this opportunity – Nikki wants to show all of my future progress on her blog, so I’m hoping to do the same thing here, but with MY thoughts/feelings about the whole thing. Sounds like a fun experiment, right?  Haha…looks like they want to start after Labor Day which gives me about a week.  The more I think about this…the more excited Ibecome.  It’s very nice that they are taking an interest in the one area that I’m seriously struggling in.  I’m terribly competitive (even though I’m not going to be competing against anyone!) and I can’t wait to see how this turns out.  So excited!

Oh, and as a side note – I got my hubby to sign up for a month of kettlebell bootcamp, too!  So very excited for him to experience what I’ve been up to for the past three-four months! ;)

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